HOA's Modifications Committee reporting

Each month a boiler-plate report appears in the Minutes of the board meeting about the actions of the HOA's Modifications Committee.

This is the Committee that receives the Form 201 when a homeowner wants to do any work on his home's exterior or yard.

The Mission of the Committee, as stated on the HOA's website is:

"The Modification Committee is responsible for ensuring that all exterior modifications, alterations and additions meet the current Summit Community guidelines during inspections of all completed approved projects.  They review all 201 modification forms submitted for consideration and approval for workmanship, design, and its compatibility with existing community structures, locations, topography, and finish grade elevation.  The committee conditionally approves or rejects all requests prior to work beginning and gives final approval upon its completion." [emphasis added]

This Committee is populated by Justin Martin (Chair), Jesse McClinton, Kristie O'Brian, Danielle Scandrol, and James Glenn. At least one of those homeowners hasn't been on the Committee for months, but the name is still posted. I guess this makes it look like the Committee is larger than it really is.

According to Minutes of 2023 board meetings:
               # Forms 201 Approved YTD*  # Completed Projects Inspected
Jan.    No board meeting. No report
Feb.                      5                                                       0
Mar.                      9                                                       0
Apr.                    19                                                       1
May                    15                                                       0
June                   17                                                       3

OK, so what is wrong with the monthly report of the Committee? You'll see, at a glance, that the numbers don't make any sense. It's a fill-in-the-blank report, but whoever is preparing it doesn't understand what information is required.

* YTD means year-to-date. Look at the report in the monthly Minutes. The boiler-plate reads, "The committee approved ____ 201 forms year-to-date and inspected ___ completed projects."

Are the numbers 5, 9, 19, 15, 17 the number of Forms 201 approved by the Committee each month through June? If so, then the correct YTD numbers are 5, 14, 33, 48, 65.

Projects are supposed to be completed within 90 days. See Art. 23, Section 3 in the Modification Committee Guidelines:

"Modification Committee approval is valid for ninety (90) days only. Incomplete or delayed projects or projects not begun within ninety (90) days of the Committee approval are deemed unapproved. Homeowners may submit a new Form 201 for Committee approval if the project is still desired. (Added 5/28/09)"

How long does it take for a project to be inspected after the Committee has been notified that the work was completed? I know of one case that took 90 days! And all it required was a drive-by to see that the new roof was black.

How many final approvals were issued? Now, that's an easy one. ZERO. Justin Martin doesn't issue ANY final approvals. He says they aren't required.

Seriously? Has he read the Mission or the Guidelines of that Committee?

Does the Committee ever vote to conditionally approve a Form 201 or to give a final approval? Or does Justin just make the decision for the committee? If it votes, it should be recorded in Committee Minutes. Are there any?

Did the Committee really vote to approve the blue house up the street from the office or to approve the garage in the backyard of that same house that is obviously larger than 10x10x10?


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