Treasurer's Report - June 6, 2023 - all B.S.

From the Minutes of the June 6, 2023 HOA Board Meeting. Said the Treasurer's Report,

"The finances are in good shape and assessments will not be going up."

Now, if that isn't a Treasurer's Report to relieve all your worries, I don't know what is.

That's sort of like writing "A good time was had by all" after a high school prom.

And "The committee is researching all avenues to recoup past due accounts..."  What have they been doing for the past 2-3-4-5 years???

Where are the suggestions, the advice, and the action from the "professional HOA management company" that is paid over $200,000/year for its services?

But the icing on the cake in the Treasurer's report is the final sentence: "The work cost reduction rate method is used for preparing the budget."

What a line of manure!


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