July 11th Board Meeting

There were many important topics that could have been discussed at the July 11, 2023 board meeting. Instead, the board (or someone on the board) canceled the meeting.

It was probably canceled at the June 27 pre-board meeting, which is a private, secret meeting of the board, at which no Minutes are kept and where decisions are sometimes made out-of-sight and -hearing of the Members of the HOA. Why then? Because the July 11 meeting was scrubbed from the July Summit Scoop, where it had appeared in June. It was also omitted from the Calendar on Page 8 of the Scoop. The Scoop was published very early in July, about ten days before the meeting date.

What could have been discussed at the board meeting?

- Direction to CAMS to publish the 2022 Annual Audit.
- The RFP for HOA management services for 2024.
- Status of 2024 Budget planning.
- Appointments of Chair and members to the Summit Assets Committee.
"Mission: This Sub-committee, is responsible for establishing a balanced annual budget, and presenting it to The Summit Community Association, Inc. Board of Directors for approval. The budgeting process considers input from all levels and includes members from the general community.
OPEN, Chair
- Review of the landscaping contract.
- Review of slow progress on landscaping projects for the neighborhoods, especially Barony Place II.
- Review of the Special Duty Agreement with RCSD, especially the liability clause.
- Evaluation of errors in the financial statements compiled by CAMS.
- Evaluation of poor collection practices that have resulted in $445,000 in unpaid dues.
- Evaluation of the Treasurer's performance regarding dues collection practices and so many months' loss of interest earnings.
- Oversight of the 28 Neighborhoods' Annual Meetings and Elections, so that a legitimate election of Directors can be held in November 2023. Currently, there are no legitimate Voting Members.
- Appointment of the Nominating Committee, so that adequate preparations can be made for the November 2023 election.
(By-Laws. Art. III, Section 5, in part: "The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors not less than thirty (30) days prior to each annual meeting of the Voting Members to serve a term of one (1) year or until their successors are appointed, and such appointment shall be announced at each such annual meeting."
- Decision on resuming publication of the RCSD Crime Reports on the HOA's website.

The next board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 1, 2023, 6:30PM at the Brookland Baptist Church Northeast.


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