Ask this $$$ Question Again

At the monthly board of directors' meetings the Treasurer makes numerous motions to expenditures, such as for tree removals requested by Green Earth, the HOA's landscaping contractor. 

All expenditures over $200 now require the approval of the board. The previous threshold for approval by the board was $800, but late last year the then-office manager blew through that by authorizing $8,000 for a sign, even though she was just supposed to obtain bids.

Earlier this year a member of the Finance Committee asked the Treasurer at a board meeting whether the requested expenditures were coming out of the budget. I don't recall the answer. The question should be asked again.

As of the July 31, 2024 monthly financial report, the Annual 2025 Budget for Contract Landscaping (Line 6020) is $505,780.00. 7/12 of that is $295,038.31. The actual amount spent through July 31 is $294,805.00. The monthly contractual payment is $42,148.33.

The August 31st financial report should be available at tonight's board meeting.

Tree Maintenance (Line 6032) reports that exactly $2,000.00 has been spent in 7 months, against a budgeted amount of $2,916.69. The Motions at monthly meetings tell a different store. Actual tree expense may be well $15,000 YTD. Where is the excessive money coming from?

From February 2024 through September 2024, according to the Minutes the Treasurer has made motions to spend $198,012.76 on a variety of expenditures (not just trees). 

Is all of this money already in the 2024 Budget? Or is unbudgeted money being spent? If so, from where is it coming?

If money is being "moved around" inside the budget (taking from Peter to pay Paul), what items are being shorted, so that more urgent expenditures can be made? 

Why isn't this part of the Treasurer's report every month?


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