Importance of the Nov. 12 HOA Meeting
The November 12th monthly Board meeting will be one of the most important of the year. It is the Annual Meeting of the HOA.
It is the first board meeting following the Annual Meeting of Voting Members. Newly-elected (and re-elected) board members are seated at this meeting.
It is the Organizational Meeting of the Board. Officers are to be elected in public at this meeting, unlike at the November 7, 2023 board meeting, when officers were not elected until the following Friday, when the board met in a private, closed, secret, Organizational Meeting. (The Board couldn't understand, or refused to understand, that the 6:30PM board meeting on November 7th was the first board meeting following the 5:00PM meeting of the Voting Members.)
The proposed budget for 2025 should be presented to the Board, so that Directors have time to study it before approving it at the December 3rd board meeting. Will the 2025 Budget be balanced, as required in the PRM, Art. III, §C, ¶4(l)? Or will it have an unallowed deficit, like the 2024 Approved Budget.
Will the Auditor, Becca Brendle, appear? The 2023 Annual Audit still has not been publicly presented to the Board.
The audit report was supposed to be done by August 31, according to the PRM, Art. III, §C, ¶2c. It should have then been presented to the Board at the September meeting. It wasn't. Not at the October meeting, either.
HOWEVER, according to the By-Laws (Art. III, §19(g)), the annual report (Audit) should have been distributed to Members (homeowners) about May 1st.
The By-Laws take precedence over the PRM. Why is this Audit so late??? How bad is it? What were the results of the Internal and External Audits?
The Treasurer should give a full "State of the HOA" financial report on November 12, not just make motions to spend more money. Several line items are running over-budget. Where will that money come from?
The HOA changed law firms this year; improperly so, but they did it, anyway. The President should give a full accounting of how well the former law firm (McCabe, Trotter & Beverly, P.C.) did its job of collecting past dues and foreclosing on the deadbeats. He should also explain why the HOA wrote off $100,000 in bad debts without a vote by the Board.
Will there be Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Voting Members this year? i.e., if a [legitimate] Meeting can be convened with a quorum of [legitimate] Voting Members. My guess is that it will be like last year and previous years. The Annual Meeting of Voting Members in November 2023 should have been adjourned for lack of a quorum. No election should have been held.
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