Is Three Years Too Long?

14 Barony Place Circle

32 Barony Place Circle

Is three years too long to wait for landscaping to be done?

There are 48 homes in Barony Place II. At $510/year for each, this neighborhood pays $24,480 in annual Association dues. In three years homeowners have paid $73,440 in dues.

Wouldn't you think that the HOA would spend at least a little of that to repair the damage that was caused by an ice storm? Plus make the entrance presentable after removing a beautiful, tall, mature tree?

The HOA likes to collect money, but it is stingy when it comes to spending it. 

Unless a past President wanted a $40,000+ gate-lock fob system for the pools (which turned out to be a fiasco). Unless a past President wanted to hire off-duty deputies to ride around after-hours and perform duties are not authorized in the By-Laws. Unless ...   Unless ...

Why hasn't the Projects or Landscaping Committee been on top of this? One excuse was no irrigation to the islands. OK, so put in something that doesn't require regular watering. Instead, not even clean pinestraw or mulch!

Project Management software would make incomplete projects stick out like a sore thumb. I suggested that software 3-4 years ago. Maybe my suggestion should have been, "Do not, under any circumstances, utilize Project Management software."

Then the Board would have jumped on it in five minutes.

Should 48 homeowners sue the HOA?


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