HOA Should Verify Credentials of Voting Members

An election of three directors is scheduled for Tuesday, November 12, 2024. On that date an Annual Meeting of Voting Members (AMVM) will be held, probably at 5:00PM. 

The AMVM precedes the November Regular Meeting of the Board, which will start at 6:30PM.

For the AMVM to be convened, there must be a quorum of [legitimate] Voting Members (VM). The PRM (Art. III, §H, ¶15) provides that a quorum for the AMVM is 51%. 28 x .51 = 14.28 

There must 15 legitimate Voting Members (or Alternates) in attendance.

The HOA's Secretary, Tanisha Holmes, is to call the roll of all Voting Members. How will she know that the VMs who show up are legitimate VMs and eligible to vote?

The HOA's Property Manager (PM) should inspect the Association records and examine the documentation on file from each of the 28 Neighborhoods that informs the HOA of the Annual Neighborhood Meeting date at which the Voting Member was elected. 

The PM should be careful to confirm that date is within approximately one year of November 12, 2024. Then she should verify in writing to the Secretary the number of legitimate Voting Members.

Upon information and belief, as of October 13 there is one (1) legitimate Voting Member (Barony Place). How will 14 more VMs become eligible in the next 30 days?

What are the consequences and penalties for conducting a fraudulent election, if that is what happens?


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