No reasurer's report - again

One more monthly Board of Directors meeting has ended, and there was no Treasurer's report.

A print-out of the August 31, 2024 financials was on the back table, but not a word was said by the Treasurer about the general financial condition of the HOA. 

Remember how previous Treasurers used to say, "The HOA is in great shape financially"? It wasn't true, but it was always nice to hear. I haven't heard that even once in 2025. 

There was mention of renewing a CD. And the Treasurer said, "We made a decision..." When was that? At the secret, private, closed, pre-board meeting last week? I thought they had stopped making decisions in secret earlier this year! (Except at the end of May, when they approved the "No Guns" sign on the gate to the office and pool.)

The Board fails to discuss or approve the increasing variances clearly shown on Page 1 of the monthly Financial Overview Report.

Why are those categories over-budget by so much in just eight months?

Why aren't any Board members questioning the CAMS office manager about those variances?

On-Site Staff (Line 6005) is $16,644.13 over-budget after the first eight months of 2024! The reason given? 

"The board is aware as to the reason this [sic] over budget and it will remain over budget the remainder of the year."

And that's not even correct, because the negative variance is increasing every month!

Irrigation is over-budget $31,120.00.

Grounds Maintenance (Line 6012) and Tree Maintenance (Line 6032) are over-budget by a total of $10,306.78 for the first eight months.

So, in what shape, really, is the HOA financially?


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