October Minutes published - Who wrote them!!!
The Minutes of the October 1, 2024 board meeting have been published.
Who wrote them? Did anyone proofread them?
Presumably, the on-site property manager reviewed them before they were sent out to board members. Did any board members bother to read them before the office published them?
The HOA is a million-dollar business. It has a contract with a so-called professional HOA management company. Paragraph B, 1 in the 10/6/23 contract with CAMS reads, "On-site Staff shall prepare minutes of the meetings of the board..."
I'll be "kind" here and say that it appears to me that CAMS has not trained the office staff to write professional Minutes for a business. A high school newspaper editor would easily spot all the errors.
Has each board member actually read the Contract with CAMS? It was entered into by the previous board and signed by Justin Martin and Vernell Butler. Butler was the Treasurer. Why did Butler sign it and not Greg Thomas, the Secretary of the HOA? And where was the Resolution by the Board that authorized Justin and Vernell to execute the Contract?
The Contract is a standard, boiler-plate contract. Why aren't board members expressing criticism of the Contract at monthly board meetings? If somebody red-lined the Contract, what would be left?
A kicker in the Contract is that CAMS does not have to provide proficient, competent employees to the HOA. Exhibit A, Section 5 of the Contract requires the HOA to pay the cost of training to maximize "the competency and effectiveness" of the CAMS on-site employee.
Want to read the Minutes of the October 2024 board meeting? They are on the website. Or click here. I counted 85 errors. How many errors can you find?
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