$250/Neighborhood. What's It For? Is it Fair?

The Board of Directors (BOD) allocates $7,000 annually in the budget for betterment of neighborhoods. Each of the 28 Neighborhoods has $250/year to spend.

The first question is, is it fairly allocated? The Neighborhoods are not equal in number of houses. Barony Place (I & II) has 78 homes. The Lakes at Barony Place has about 80 homes.

The HOA has 2,480 homes. Divided by 28, the average number of homes in a Neighborhood is 88.6. But don't some neighborhoods have a much larger number of homes?

Does the HOA even know how many homes there are in each of the Neighborhoods? Is there a Neighborhood with 300 homes? If there is and if that Neighborhood gets $250 (the same as a "small" neighborhood), is that fair?

The $7,000 is Line 7074 in the 2024 Budget. How much did the Neighborhoods spend in 2023? $854.35 (12% of the budgeted amount). Did the rest revert to general expenses?


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