Shooting at nearby pool
Do not allow this sign at Summit HOA amenities and office.
An 18-year-old was arrested, and four were injured. WIS-TV reported about 20 shots were fired.
At a recent Summit HOA board meeting, board member and then-chair of the Safety Committee Dennis Rybicki introduced signing of all amenities in the HOA (and the office) as gun-free zones.
I wrote to him then and again today that I oppose designating Common Properties as gun-free zones. Residents must have the right to defend themselves (and others), should the need arise.
Be at the June 11th board meeting to express your opinion, in case that idea hits the light of day again. NOTE: this is a date-change from normal first-Tuesday board meetings.
I don't want pools, tennis courts and walking trails to become war zones. But users shouldn't be required to leave their firearms at home, either.
Today's youth are a result 50 years in the making. They have little or no respect for others, because their lack of respect and manners have gone unchallenged by parents and schools for many years.
Do not let yourself become an unwitting victim. Like a good Boy Scout, be prepared.
Edited 5/29/2024. RCSD reported one person was injured, not four.
How did the incorrect report happen?
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