Thanks, Barony Place!
Thanks to Tracy Manderino, Mary Evans, and Gail Luckey for leading the Barony Place Neighborhood's efforts to hold a Neighborhood Meeting, elect a Neighborhood Committee, and select a Voting Member.
And THANKS to all the homeowners in Barony Place to made it happen by attending in-person or by proxy.
One homeowner said yesterday that she has lived here for 22 years and yesterday's meeting was the first one she'd ever heard of.
Other homeowners have told me they've lived here 10-15 years and don't remember a Neighborhood Meeting. (According to the By-Laws, a Neighborhood Meeting is to be held every year.) Sure, there have been Card Nights and Neighborhood Luncheons, but those have not been called-Meetings for doing business.
Will any of the other 27 Neighborhoods in the Summit's HOA follow the lead of Barony Place?
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