Who writes to the BOD?

Who sends email to the Board of Directors? Who receives a reply?

I have the email addresses for the seven directors, I often write one message and send it to all seven, if they all need to know. And other times I'll write to the President, with a cc: to the other six. Occasionally, I'll write to just one.

I feel like I've been blackballed by most of the directors. Especially by the President. I do not recall one reply from him since he was elected in November 2023. 

So I'm wondering ...

If you write to a Director or Officer of the HOA, do you expect a reply? Do you get it? Do you persist until you get a reply?

Will tonight's board meeting be different?

In the May Summit Scoop, HOA President Danny Trapp wrote, in part, "We have a monumental hurdle to overcome financially" and "I will not allow any one community or person to manipulate funds or your finances." 

Q. What's the "hurdle"?

Q. Which community and/or what person is manipulating funds or the finances?


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