Use the microphone, please.

The HOA's board has finally arranged for the sound system to be at board meetings. So why don't they use it?

The microphone, for the most part, rests unused on the table right in front of the board members. They seem unaware that their voices cannot be heard throughout the room, especially when the band or the choir fires up in the next room at the church.

Board members should learn how to hold the microphone, so that their voices are transmitted.

And speakers from the audience should come to the front of the room to ask their questions and use the microphone. Or the President should repeat their question or comment before responding to it.

It would also help if the audience didn't hold side conversations and if the board members listened to all the discussions and discontinued their own side conversations. Board members should use the microphone when speaking, especially when speaking to one another. 

In a public body, which the HOA board is not, all board members and the audience are entitled to hear all remarks. Because the Board is to follow Robert's Rules of Order, the Board should be sure that all members and the audience can hear everything; that includes comments between them at meetings.

A time-keeper is needed to keep audience questions and comments to the two-minute limit. That's plenty of time, if a speaker is prepared and concise.


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