HOA has one(1) legitimate Voting Member - Needs 27 more

The Summit's HOA has only one (1) legitimate Voting Member. It is supposed to have 28.

On May 4, 2024 the Barony Place Neighborhood held a Neighborhood Meeting, elected three homeowners to the Neighborhood Committee, which chose Tracy Manderino as the Voting Member for the next 12 months.

The HOA cannot conduct an Annual Meeting of Voting Members in November 2024 to elect directors, unless a quorum (15) of the 28 Neighborhoods has a legitimate Voting Member to attend and vote.

The count right now is:

1 legitimate Voting Member

14 more Neighborhoods need to hold annual meetings, elect Neighborhood Committees, and select their Voting Members.

Every Neighborhood should have a Voting Member. Not only is it required in the By-Laws, a Neighborhood has NO representation before the Board of Directors, if it doesn't have a Voting Member.

Even 15 legitimate Voting Members might not be enough to approve any amendments to the CC&Rs or By-Laws, because 75% (1860/2480) of the Members have to be represented.

Classic Voter Fraud occurred in November 2023 and in previous years, when homeowners who were not eligible to vote for directors, did vote for directors.

But does it really matter? I'll tell you when it will matter. When somebody sues the HOA, then it will matter!


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