Restore the HOA's Neighborhood Committee

Should the HOA restore the Neighborhood Committee? 

This Committee is a committee of the HOA and is distinct from the Neighborhood Committee of each of the 28 Neighborhoods in the HOA.

The Neighborhood Committee (of the HOA) was abolished shortly after the November 2023 election.

The Neighborhood Committee is a vital Committee of the HOA. According to the Procedures Reference Manual (Art. II, Section B. 8)), it is a standing committee. Because of this designation in the PRM, the President of the HOA probably cannot unilaterally abolish it.

"This Committee is responsible for helping each Community in the Summit to locate and elect a local neighborhood committee that will represent their community at SCA Board meetings and there by [sic] allow their Voting member (elected by the local neighborhood committee) to vote on vital issues that affect the Summit and their local neighborhood. The Neighborhood Committee will assist and advise local neighborhoods with problems that they encounter." (emphasis added)

The Neighborhood Committee (of the HOA), chaired by Jesse McClinton from October 2021 to November 2023), never met that responsibility. Previous Boards allowed that failure. The October 5, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes reflect Jesse's appointment and also the unauthorized method of getting "signatures".

The President of the HOA should restore this Committee without delay, so that it can provide leadership and support to the Neighborhoods. If he won't, then a board member should make a Motion directing him to do so. After a Second and discussion, the Board should vote. Surely, at least four directors would support this.

The November 2024 Annual Meeting of Voting Members is less than six months away. Only one neighborhood (Barony Place) has a legitimate Voting Member. 

Without a quorum (15) of eligible, legitimate Voting Members in November, the Annual Meeting cannot be convened and three directors cannot be elected - legally.

It took Barony Place (78 homes in Barony Place I and Barony Place II) less than one month to elect a legitimate Neighborhood Committee and to select a legitimate Voting Member. That was done without Board leadership or support.


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