More fob problems at Magnolia Pool

From the HOA office at 11:12AM today:

"The Magnolia Pool is currently closed due to issues with the fob system and will open today at 1:00pm . I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The Myrtle Pool is currently open and we hope to have the issue at Magnolia Pool resolved as soon as possible. 

"Thank you for your understanding."

The on-site property manager should provide more information to the Members about the problem with the fob system. 

Is there a fault with the installation or with the operational system? Is this a continuation of last week's problem? Is it a manufacturer's problem? Were the fobs programmed incorrectly when handed out?

The HOA spent $42,000+ on the system. 

The pitch was to improve security and save money by eliminating the pool monitors. Did Justin and the others who voted for the fob system just pull the wool over the eyes of the Members? Aren't monitors still needed because somebody figured out that kids (and others) will just let their friends in through the open gate? Was the money on the fob system wasted?

What good was an 11:12AM email from the office that says the pool will open at 1:00PM?


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