Success! Barony Place now has a Voting Member

The Barony Place Neighborhood (Barony Place I and Barony Place II) held its Neighborhood Meeting today, and a quorum (at least 26 homes) was present in-person or by proxy.

At least 21 homes were represented by proxy, and about 8-10 homes were represented in-person.

Three homeowners were unanimously elected to the Neighborhood Committee. They are Tracy Manderino (Barony Place II), Della Glynn (Barony Place II), and Gwendolyn Hayes (Barony Place I).

Tracy will be the Voting Member for the next 12 months.

To learn more about the duties of the Voting Member, visit the HOA's website. On the homepage, click on Neighborhood News. Scroll down to "Voting Members/Alternates Memo concerning Voting Member/Alternate Right [sic] & Responsibilities". Click on "HERE".

Not everything listed is correct, but it's close. For example, in Section 3 (Page 2) Voting Members do not vote to elect (or to remove) Neighborhood Committee members (Article V (By-Laws)). 

With today's election, Barony Place becomes the only Neighborhood in The Summit Community Association, Inc. (the HOA) to have a legitimate Voting Member; i.e., one that comes from a duly-elected Neighborhood Committee.

Other Neighborhoods claim to have Voting Members. Some of them "got signatures" (not proscribed in the By-Laws). Others have just claimed that position for years, even though the By-Laws inform that it is a one-year term.


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