At which church does the HOA meet?

Every month the Summit Scoop announces that the monthly board meeting will be held at the Brookland Baptist Church, 1203 Summit Parkway.

There is just a small problem. The Brookland Baptist Church is not located at 1203 Summit Parkway. It is located at 1066 Sunset Blvd. in West Columbia.

What is located at 1203 Summit Parkway is Brookland Baptist Church Northeast.

It's just a tiny error and doesn't matter; right?

Like the miniscule interest rates earned on large amounts of the HOA's cash for far too long.

Like compliance with the By-Laws by previous boards of directors.

Like the failure of past boards for years to see that the HOA had legitimate Voting Members from enough Neighborhoods (15) to meet the quorum requirement at the Annual Meetings of Voting Members in November, so that a legitimate board of directors could be elected.

Like preparing the required Minutes every year of the Annual Meeting of Voting Members.

All just small, pesky items that should be correct.


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