Birch Park Sign

Birch Park parking lot

At a time when the HOA is pinched for pennies, why is money being spent on signs like this?

And why does an unattended park open at 9:00am? Why doesn't it open at Sunrise?

Maybe that sign isn't new. Maybe I just didn't notice it before.

There's another sign that warns users that the park is under the jurisdiction of RCSD. Is it, really?

RCSD deputies are not supposed to enforce rules and regulations of the HOA. They are supposed to enforce laws.

If an authorized person (authorized by the HOA (i.e., by the Board or, if permitted, by the Property Manager) has told a park user to leave (ex., a non-resident or a resident without a valid I.D.), if the person returns, he can be charged with Trespassing. That's a crime.

But it takes a previous warning that is documented. And it might require that authorized person to witness the return of the same person to the park.  Will the authorized person have to appear in court? Is the HOA going to pay the Property Manager to go to court on a Trespassing complaint?

Should the HOA just worry about the "big stuff"?


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