HOA Director quitting?

In November 2023 Tommy Williams was appointed by the Board of Directors to succeed Vernell Butler.

Vernell was in the middle of a two-year term (2022-2024), and he quit abruptly when the board did not re-elect him as Treasurer. 

Tommy is serving the remainder of Vernell's term-of-office, but word is that he has resigned from the board. That has not been officially announced yet.

Recently, the office emailed the Members that the position of Chair of the Safety Committee is open, but the office has failed to announce that a position on the board is open. Probably the office has not been told to do so, or it may have been told not to do so.

If you are a homeowner and wish to be considered for this appointment, contact the office and Danny Trapp, President of the HOA. And be sure to show up on June 18, 2024 and publicly express your interest.

Directors are expected to be leaders, not followers. A Director is 1/7 of the vote of the Board. One Director's vote is equal to that of every other director.

The six remaining members of the board of directors will appoint Tommy's successor, who will serve until the election of directors in November 2024; i.e., IF an election can be held.

If there are not 15 legitimate Voting Members in November, the Annual Meeting of Voting Members cannot convene. It must be postponed until a quorum (15/28) is present. As of today, there is only one (1) legitimate Voting Member. That VM represents the Barony Place Neighborhood (Barony Place I and Barony Place II).

Edited 6/6/24 5:00PM The June Summit Scoop was distributed today, and Tommy's name has been removed from the list of Directors.


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