Incredible! June Scoop Voting Member list wrong

On May 4 Barony Place selected an official Voting Member, Tracy Manderino.

On May 5 I notified the Board and the office of the names of the Barony Place Neighborhood Committee and that Tracy is the Voting Member.

At the board meeting on May 7 I announced that Barony Place has the sole legitimate Voting Member in the HOA.

During the month of May I reminded the board and the office that the list of Voting Members had not been updated.

The Minutes of the May Board Meeting list the Voting Member and Alternates for Barony Place.

Today, when the June Summit Scoop was distributed, it still contains the name of a homeowner who had not been a legitimate Voting Member for years. No Neighborhood Meetings were held in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, or in the first four months of 2024.

People ask me sometimes why I am so critical of the HOA. There are seven people on the Board and two in the office who knew the Voting Member list needed to be updated. 

So, why wasn't it?


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