The HOA's Biggest Problem

At past Summit HOA elections of directors, there were those who wanted poll watchers. The poll watcher would have presumably watched for irregularities in the voting.

Sometimes a RCSD deputy was there. He should not have been. A deputy should have been there only if there was some suspected danger. A deputy's job does not include watching an election at an HOA and looking for an irregularities.

An interesting thing happened at the November 2022 election. No one paid careful attention to the counting of the votes. Were there poll watchers that year? If there were, what did they do? Observe the counting of the ballots? Apparently not.

As a result, when the board meeting started, it was announced that Auby Dellinger had won re-election. He was chairing the board meeting, in the absence of Justin Martin.

About five minutes into the meeting, Mary Ann Game, board member and chair of the Nominating Committee, was called out of the room. She returned shortly and had to announce a correction to the voting results. Auby had not been re-elected, and Vicki McCarthy was elected. 

Absolutely inexcusable!!!

In the November 2023 election of directors, Justin Martin was not re-elected to the board.(The election was by the Voting Members in a meeting that was held before the board meeting started.) Justin knew that before the board meeting started. Instead of opening the meeting and then announcing the election results, Justin sat in the audience. Greg Thomas, Vice President of the Board, chaired the meeting.

Or were they also there to make sure that only eligible, legitimate, bonafide Voting Members voted?

If no Neighborhoods had been holding Annual Neighborhood Meetings, electing three-member Neighborhood Committees, and choosing one of those three to be the Voting Member for the following 12 months, then there were no legitimate Voting Members present.

The 2023 Annual Meeting of Voting Members should not have been held, and no election should have taken place. I believe that's true for all of the years I have lived in The Summit (since 2018).

If fraudulent elections of directors occurred in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, then there are no bonafide directors today. This means there are no bonafide officers of the HOA. 

South Carolina state law requires the Summit's HOA (a non-profit corporation) to have a (legal) board of directors. It doesn't.

Isn't this a real problem for the HOA? 


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