Driven by Summit Pkwy and Summit Ridge Drive?

Have you driven by th3 corner of Summit Parkway and Summit Ridge Drive recently? That's where the brick wall and pergola were.

That's where a vehicle did major damage in October.

That's the damage for which the HOA's insurance company coughed up $28,000 for a $9,000 loss.

The pergola is gone, and the brick wall is gone. And what's there? An ugly patch of dirt.

How much time has passed? Eight (8) months!

Read this Resolution from the Procedures Reference Manual (Art. II, §D, ¶5):

Repair Common Area Damage Immediately:
To ensure that Common Areas are kept in good condition, the Board of Directors adopted an operating policy to initiate repairs to damaged Common Areas immediately, documenting said repairs with itemized costs for submission for repayment of required repairs/replacement (approved 8/3/2004)"

How well is the Board of Directors complying with this Resolution?


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