Board Fails to Announce Director Vacancy

At tonight's June HOA board meeting, the Board failed to announce the vacancy on the Board of Directors.

It has not yet been formally announced that Tommy Williams has resigned from the Association's board.. 

Tommy had been appointed as a Director after Vernell Butler resigned in a huff when he was not re-elected as Treasurer. Vernell's term-of-office was 2022-2024, which means his seat is up for election in November 2024.

The board could opt to leave the seat vacant until November. The problem with a six-member board is board votes could end in a tie. A tie-vote fails.

A bigger problem is that the HOA may not be able to hold an election of three directors in November. This may be the year when the issue of an insufficient number of legitimate Voting Members will result in there being no quorum (15). At this writing, the HOA has only one legitimate Voting Member (Barony Place).

The Board also failed to announce there will not be a July board meeting. The July meeting cancellation was emailed by the office earlier this month. That's a big mistake. There is too much work to be done to cancel a board meeting.


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