Is BOD spending money it doesn't have?

How much money is the HOA's board of directors spending that it doesn't have?

When I write, "doesn't have", I mean "not in this year's budget".

At last night's board meeting, Treasurer Linda Potter made a motion to spend $8,325 on black mulch to be spread along Clemson Road. The Finance Committee had considered that bid from Green Earth and did not approve the expenditure.

The Board discussed it and voted to approve it. Why would the Treasurer make a motion on an item rejected by the Finance Committee?

I wanted to ask if the money was in the budget, but I didn't ask because a Finance Committee member had asked virtually the same question. The answer I heard was that it was not in the budget.

The HOA is beginning to resemble the Federal Government. When it wants to do something, it just goes ahead and does it.

Prior to that motion, there was a motion to spend $10,530 to buy six light posts and globes to have on-hand, anticipating the next times errant drivers take out light posts. Is that money already in the budget?

I'm not sure the concept of "Don't spend what you didn't plan ahead to spend" is known to this board. Yes, there might be emergencies. Stocking light posts and spreading mulch are not emergencies.

In the May Summit Scoop, President Danny Trapp wrote, "We have a monumental hurdle to overcome financially." (Emphasis not in the original.) No explanation was given at the board meetings on May 7th or June 18th.

FY24 started with a $27,000 deficit. 
The Irrigation Budget (Line 5111) is estimated to be $46,680 over budget.
On-site Staff (Line 6005) is already over-budget by $6,422.66, as of 4/30/2024. No explanation has been given to Members.


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