Help - Posse Needed

I don't mind being the Lone Ranger, but I could really use some help from the homeowners in the Summit's HOA. 

What can you do?

You can show up at monthly board meetings, introduce yourself to the Board during the meeting, and make specific requests of the Board. Ask that your name and your concerns be reported in the Minutes of the meeting.

Tell the Board what you want and ask them to report at the next meeting what they have done about your request. (Note that the Board does not use the New Business and Old Business sections of the Agenda, so Old Business gets lost.)

Post a Comment here to these blogposts. If you don't wish to stick your neck out (i.e., you fear retaliation or retribution for doing so), then email me your comments. Anonymity will be assumed, unless you state otherwise. I'll respect that.

How do you know I'll respect that? In Illinois I risked a Contempt of Court charge in Federal District Court and jail, when I intended to refuse to divulge my sources for leaks about the "dirt" at the sheriff's department.  It didn't come to that, because the magistrate granted my pro se motion to quash a subpoena from the sheriff's attorney.

You can email me with confidentiality, using the box on this blog or writing me directly at

Also, please share this blog. Use the "share" icon at the top and bottom of each blogpost. My articles should be of interest to every homeowner in the HOA.


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