June HOA board meeting now June 18

The HOA office sent out this email today at 11:10AM:

"The June Board of Directors meeting has been moved to June 18th. This is due to the primary elections on June 11th and the church is a voting center.
"We apologize for any confusion these changes may have caused."

Anyone else tired of the apologies from the office?

The two changes in the dates of the June board meeting demonstrate the utter chaos on this board.

The meeting never should have been moved from the first and long-time scheduled date of June 4.

And now to move it from June 11, which has been Primary Election Day for many months? Did not the office check with the church first?

The board has no time to fool around. The November Annual Meeting of Voting Members, at which election of directors should take place, is scheduled November 5th, the first Tuesday. However, that is National Election Day. Will it be changed to November 12?

This crucial meeting (the Annual Meeting of Voting Members) can only be convened IF there are enough legitimate Voting Members present. That number is 15 legitimate Voting Members, a quorum of the 28 Neighborhoods. Right now there is only one (1) legitimate Voting Member - Barony Place!

The Board should reconstitute the Neighborhood Committee (of the Board) immediately, and the board President should appoint a chair who will get the job done. The "job" is helping 27 Neighborhoods to comply with the By-Laws by holding a Neighborhood Meeting, electing a three-person Neighborhood Committee, and selecting one of those three as the Voting Member. With good organization that could happen in 30-45 days.

Past boards of this HOA failed to do that, resulting in fraudulent elections for many years, because ineligible people were allowed to elect Directors. Even the 2023 election was fraudulent, which means the HOA does not have a legitimate board of directors!


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