Did HOA just win the Lottery?

If you, a homeowner in The Summit, want to see the 2022 Annual Audit, it's going to cost you $265.00. At least two homeowners have been quoted that fee.

In spite of the fact that all the Annual Audits from 2001 to 2021 are on the HOA's website for your free inspection, this one (2022) is going to cost you.

Why is that? Because Gus Philpott, a resident, wants to see it. He isn't just any resident. He has been reading the By-Laws and financial statements ever since he moved into The Summit in early 2018. He has found a lot wrong, and he has said so. And he holds a legal Power-of-Attorney to see the Audit. 

So the HOA "will be happy to make the 2022 audit available", according to the HOA's attorney - at a price tag of $265.00. The charge is for them to go through the audit and redact sensitive and personal information about some homeowners. (Those must be the ones who owe $432,483.29 to the HOA, as of 6/30/2023).

Of course, the HOA will be happy at $265.00 each. If all 2,480 homeowners cough it up, the HOA will benefit to the tune of $657,200. Bingo! They just won the Lottery!

If you look at the 2021 Annual Audit (free) on the HOA's website, you won't see any sensitive and personal information. Why is the 2022 audit going to be any different?

You can bet that certain homeowners will get to see the audit without paying. They have "privilege". They are the members of the board. 

Except that the HOA does not have a (legitimate) board. No director on the board was legitimately elected. Why not? Because there are no legitimate Voting Members to elect them.

And this issue to going to bite them. 


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