Should HOA Finance Committee meetings be secret?

Should the meetings of the HOA's Finance Committee be secret?

Every month the Finance Committee meets. The most recent meeting was scheduled for last night, August 15. According to names on the HOA's website, there are nine homeowners on the Committee.

A few questions for the Committee:

Are meetings open to homeowners?
Do you operate with an Agenda?
Do you write and keep Minutes of meetings?
Are decisions made by the Treasurer or by the Committee (by vote)?

If the majority at a meeting disagrees with the Treasurer, who prevails?

Have you discussed the problems, errors, inconsistencies, etc, in the monthly Financial Statements?

Why haven't ALL the details regarding the many savings instruments been completed by CAMS on the Financial Statements; ex., the rate of interest being earned on EACH account; the maturity date of EACH CD. 

Why does the Committee (and the Board) tolerate ongoing errors?

Ex., Reporting Current, 30-days late, 60-days late on dues, when the fact is that by May 1st, ALL dues (that were due on January 1) are over 90 days late.

Ex., Separating payments to CAMS and listing under separate Line Item numbers, making it very difficult, if not impossible, to determine how much is paid to CAMS.

Ex., Reporting CAMS' office employee compensation as "On-Site Maintenance" (Line 6005).

Ex., Producing misleading graphs in the monthly financial statements that clearly do not line up with the numerical Line Items.

When you discuss something at a monthly meeting that needs fixing (assuming you do that), does it get fixed by the next meeting? If it is not fixed, do you bring it up at the next meeting and ask why it wasn't fixed?


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