Neighborhood Luncheon today (8/30/2023)

The Barony Place Neighborhood will hold its August neighborhood (Barony Place I and Barony Place II) luncheon today (Wednesday, August 30) at 11:30AM at Applebee's on Killian.

Join your neighbors. Have a great visit. Have a great meal.

You might even get a chance to find out what's going on in your neighborhood and with the HOA. It will depend whether Applebee's has a meeting room where a general discussion can be held.

If all gather in the open dining area, it will be harder to talk about neighborhood business and the HOA. Gotta be careful not to disturb other diners.

The biggest issues facing the Barony Place Neighborhood right now are:

- the lack of a legitimate Voting Member. Barony Place will not be represented at the November election of four Directors.
- the threat from the Board to shut homeowners out of the monthly Board meetings;
- the Board's failure to release the 2022 Annual Audit and post it to the HOA's website;
- landscaping.

Barony Place needs to have an Annual Neighborhood Meeting ASAP. The By-Laws require this.

Be sure to attend the Board meeting on September 5, 6:30PM. Remind the Board that the HOA is your HOA, not theirs.

Who wants to work on this and make it happen?


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