The Way It Works

When a board of directors makes a decision that the people don't like, the board can be changed.

Take the Bud Light fiasco. That was a case of an employee, high-ranking no doubt, who made a serious mistake. If the board had been considered at fault, no doubt the shareholders would have dumped one or more directors. They still might.

How might it work at a local level; say, with the board of directors of a HOA? This HOA?

In the case of the Summit's HOA, the board is not elected by the homeowners. There is a middleman, called the Voting Member. There are supposed to be 28 of them.

The Voting Member, also called a Neighborhood Representative, is supposed to represent the homeowners. The Voting Members could call a special meeting and not wait for their Annual Meeting in November. A quorum of the 28 Voting Members is 15. A majority of the quorum is 8. Eight voting members could dump one or more directors and replace them.

There are five Directors who ought to get a close look from the Voting Members. Three-four of them should be removed. Maybe five.

But back to the basic problem facing the HOA. There aren't any legitimate Voting Members. And there haven't been for a long time. There are no legitimate Directors. And, with no legitimate Directors, there are no legitimate Officers. Without a legitimate President, there are no Committee Chairmen.

What needs to happen, and quickly? Because the next Annual Meeting of Voting Members will be in November, every one of the 28 Neighborhoods should hold an Annual Neighborhood Meeting. Elect a Neighborhood Committee. One of the three committee members becomes the Voting Member. Then hold a meeting of Voting Members.

Decide who goes (from the Board of Directors) and who stays.

If you are mad about the board's decision to ban homeowners from monthly board meetings, contact the person who is pretending to be your Voting Member, and tell him or her to call a Neighborhood Meeting - now. If that person won't, knock on some doors and put it together yourself.

For help, contact me.


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