"Give them enough rope ...

... and they will hang themselves."

You've heard that; right? And you know what it means.

The Summit's HOA Board apparently thinks it can prevent homeowners and/or their legal representatives from attending monthly board meetings. The Board must be over at Home Depot buying more rope.

If they cared about the homeowners, they would welcome them, not shut them out!

When did they make that dumb decision? I'm emailing the HOA office tonight to ask for details. I was at the last regular board meeting on August 8th and don't remember any discussion or vote on that topic.

- What "recent events" could inspire the Board to make that decision?

- Maybe it was the angry comments at the August 8th board meeting about Vernell Butler's referring to one resident as a "squatter".

- Maybe it was the challenge to the board for not publishing the 2022 Annual Audit on the website, where the previous Annual Audits from 2001-2021 are published.

- Maybe it was the decision to charge $265 per copy for the 2022 Annual Audit.

- Maybe the Board is tired of being picked on for not complying with the By-Laws in so many areas.

- Maybe it's the Financial Statements that are finally receiving so much critical attention.

Is the Board trying on purpose to end up in court?

In today's email, "the Board" wrote: "Your understanding and cooperation as we realign our practices with the framework of our governing documents are greatly appreciated."
That admits that their practices have been out-of-alignment. That's what I've been writing about for four years!

Isn't their comment like saying to the hangman, "Thank you for making sure the noose is tight, so that my neck breaks on the drop and I don't suffer"?


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