Don't miss Justin's remarks on Next Door

Justin Martin, self-proclaimed President of the Summit's HOA, published this on NextDoor tonight.

"Really neat how the instigator of both the price tag of the release of the full audit and the reason the board had no choice but to close the Board of Directors meeting to voting members\ neighborhood reps or committee chairs (as it says in the CC&Rs) can come on a social media page open to all and try to get everyone against the duly elected Board for an association that are not even a member of.

"The reason why the Board chose to close the BOD meeting was you.. that’s right. You and your outbursts and disruptions in our meeting. A meeting that you had no rights to be in in the first place. I can’t tell you how many meeting attendees contacted me afterwards and were disgusted with your antics. So, good job in making us close the meeting so we can actually get the business of Board completed.

"You love to misrepresent the facts. There was ALWAYS a price tag to release copies of the Annual full audit. It’s called an administrative fee and it’s covered in the CC&Rs and by the S.C. Non-Profit Code, the Association is entitled to charge its costs incurred in redacting and reproducing the report back to you. It’s not really that important for you is it though, only to spread lies that we’re charging that because we want to.

"You might get a couple homeowners to sympathize with you and believe in your half-truths and outright lies, but there are far more actual homeowners and volunteers in this community that don’t."

One commentor (who doesn't live in the Summit) wrote a candid reply to Justin, concluding it with "that's a real crock."

I replied to Justin:

"Justin Martin You must tell the truth. "duly elected board"? Not so. If I examine the corporate records, will I find any Minutes about Annual Neighborhood Meetings, Annual Neighborhood Elections, Neighborhood Committees, selection of Voting Members and Alternates for the 28 Neighborhoods? I believe there are few (or no) legitimate Voting Members. Therefore, the board is not "duly elected." There are no legitimate Directors. There are no legitimate Officers (including you). What we have right here in The Summit is Classic Voter Fraud, under your rule as "President". Care to debate this on Sept. 5? I'll bring the By-Laws. Bring your attorney. Will she will tell you that you have not been complying with the By-Law? Let's do this in public, with plenty of witnesses."

Justin wrote a lot of drivel about the right of the Association to charge to redacting and copying. The state law says that there can be a reasonable charge, covering the costs of labor and materials. The HOA thought it could charge me $125.00/hour for up to two hours. The two women in the office earn about $17-$19 per hour, according to a recent Help Wanted online ad by CAMS. What does Angela earn? $30-35/hour? Where did they get $125/hour?

SECTION 33-31-1603. Scope of inspection rights.

(a) A member's agent or attorney has the same inspection and copying rights as the member the agent or attorney represents.
(b) The right to copy records under Section 33-31-1602 includes, if reasonable, the right to receive copies made by photographic, xerographic, or other means.
(c) The corporation may impose a reasonable charge, covering the costs of labor and material, for copies of any documents provided to the member.


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