8/13 BOD Meeting - 2+ HOURS!

Last night's Board of Directors meeting could have started on time. The room was almost full, but da Prez hadn't arrived. When Danny hadn't arrived by 6:25PM, the VP could have begun preparing to start the meeting. Fortunately, Danny was only three minutes late.

It didn't take long for the meeting to dissolve into chaos. The previously-announced time-limit is two minutes for members of the audience to make statements to, or requests, of the board. There was no effort at all by the President to control that limit.

The first speaker read a statement to the board and requested a motion to remove the former on-site property manager from all HOA contact. The board accepted that request and acted on it immediately, instead of delaying it until the New Business portion of the meeting.

The next speaker belabored several issues for much longer than two minutes: that the President was chair of a committee; pool gate fobs not working; landscaping at the corner of Summit Parkway and Summit Ridge Drive. 

And the next wanted to use one of the parks for her volleyball team and complained there are no restrooms at Birch Park. 

Every comment, and all of the ones that followed, should have been stopped at the two-minute mark and referred to a committee. After a homeowner pleads his/her case to a committee, then it is the committee that brings it to the board for action. If the committee's action doesn't satisfy the homeowner, then he approached the Board for action.

I suspect that the Board was relieved that I did not ask to speak. My list had five questions, and I would have made them in less than two minutes.

At 7:55PM the Minutes were approved (the June 18th Minutes were the best-written in a long, long time!), and committee reports began.The meeting adjourned at 8:38PM.

Please see following articles for more issues and complaints that were raised last night.


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