Is the BOD Organized?

Is the Board of Directors of the HOA organized?

Does anyone know who does what? Or what each officer is supposed to do? Or what a Director who is not an Officer is to do?

Right now the Board is short one director. The BOD is supposed to have seven directors. It has six, because Tommy Williams resigned earlier this year.

After being appointed to succeed Vernell Butler, Tommy missed two board meetings (February-March), attended two (April-May), and resigned. His resignation has never been announced. The vacancy on the board has never been announced. No successor has been appointed by the Board.

Upon information and belief, HOA President Danny Trapp does not want to appoint Tommy's successor. He wants to wait until November, when that term-of-office expires. 

That is a poor decision because of the risk of votes on Motions failing. If the board votes and the result is a 3-3 tie, the Motion fails. 

The other five directors should want that seventh director. Those five could out-vote Danny and appoint a successor to fill the remainder of Tommy's term. That would be the wise and correct course of action.


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