Examine VM List in August Scoop

Take a look at the list of Voting Members published on Page 2 of the August 2024 Scoop. Print Page 2.

Think about this, as you look at the name of each Neighborhood. "When was the last Neighborhood Meeting held?"

If you think it was more than 12 months ago, place an X through the listing.

If you think a homeowner "got signatures" to become the Voting Member, place an X through the listing.

If you think the person listed has just held the position for years without a Neighborhood Meeting, put an X through the listing.

If the list indicates OPEN, put an X through the name of the Neighborhood.

Come to the August 6th Board of Directors meeting and ask why so many names are listed, "as if" they are legitimate Voting Members.

The HOA very likely has only one legitimate Voting Member. Barony Place held a Neighborhood Meeting on May 4, 2024, elected a three-member Neighborhood Committtee (as required in the By-Laws, and chose Tracy Manderino as its legitimate Voting Member.

The Voting Members will not be able to hold a Special Meeting this month, if there is no quorum of legitimate Voting Members. What will be the purpose of that meeting? To approve an increase in dues?

And they won't be able to hold a Regular Meeting in November, if there is no quorum of legitimate VMs. Without a legitimate November meeting, there will be no election for the three director seats that are up for re-election.


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