Where is the 2023 Annual Audit?

At the August 13th board meeting Engagement Letters for two auditors were approved. That should have been an item in Old Business, except the Board doesn't use Old Business and New Business on the agenda.

There will be an audit of internal financial affairs and an audit of external financial affairs. One audit will be conducted by Becca Brendle, CPA. She also performed the work for the 2023 Annual Audit and the 2022 Annual Audit.

The other audit will be performed by an accountant (not a CPA). Or is the person a bookkeeper? Her credentials were not clear, when someone in the audience asked two months ago.

No one asked why the 2023 Annual Audit has not yet been presented to the board. (The 2022 Annual Audit was presented at the June 2023 board meetings.)

Speaking of Engagement Letters, no one asked about the Engagement Letter for Turner Padget, the law firm retained by the HOA at the May 7th board meeting. Because of questions surrounding the legitimacy of the Voting Members, Directors, and Officers, I wonder whether Turner Padget really is the law firm for the HOA.

Did the HOA President disclose to Turner Padget that the HOA might not officers with authority to hire a law firm, because of election problems at the past Annual Meetings of Voting Members?


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