Old Business? New Business?

Why doesn't the HOA's board of directors use the Old Business and New Business sections of the agenda for monthly board meetings?

I can guess, and I don't like the answer.

The Number 1 item on the New Business list should be the establishment of legitimate Voting Members for 27 Neighborhoods, so that there can be a legitimate election of directors in November.

Right behind that, as Number 2, should be the establishment of the other directors and the officers as legitimately in office, so that the business of the HOA can be conducted legally.

Consideration of the two auditors should have been handled as Old Business during the August 13th board meeting.

The tip-off by the HOA President that another Special Duty Agreement with RCSD might be in the works should have been introduced and discussed under New Business. The extreme liability risk of the HOA (under previous SDAs) should be carefully explored and the proposed SDA should be passed by the HOA's lawyer and the HOA's insurance carrier.

The waterfalls at the Clemson Road entrance to Summit Parkway? That should be under Old Business.

The "monumental hurdle to overcome financially" (May 2024 Scoop, Page 1)? New Business. 

The resignation of former director Tommy Williams should have been promptly announced, and appointment of a successor director should have appeared as New Business. The next month it would have become Old Business and remained on the agenda until completed.
A critical item for New Business is re-establishment of the HOA's Neighborhood Committee. You can read its Mission in the Procedures Reference Manual (PRM) in Art. II, §B, ¶8. If you don't know where to find the PRM on the HOA's website, email me or send a message to me via this blog. Or call the office.

What happens is that pending items get lost, overlooked, and/or forgotten, when they don't appear on an agenda and don't get carried forward.


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