HOA Did Not Disappoint

I am happy to report that the Summit's HOA did not disappoint me today.

I had requested the Minutes of the May 28th pre-board meeting and the Minutes of August 13th Voting Member meeting. 

I did not expect to get them when I went to the office at noon today, and I didn't. So, in this way, the HOA did not disappoint me.

Why do I want the May 28th Minutes? Because the Board made an important decision in its private, secret, closed, pre-board meeting on May 28 to restrict the use and enjoyment of a portion of the Common Property. And the Board did not announce that restriction. Not in the June, July, or August Summit Scoop. Not at the June 18th or August 13th board meetings.

The HOA posted a "No Firearms or Weapons" sign on the gate to the office and Myrtle pool. The decision should not have been made in private. And I believe the Board cannot do that without the approval of the Voting Members.

There are no Minutes of the August 13th Voting Members meeting. Although a meeting was not held because of low attendance, there should be Minutes because the meeting had been called; i.e., Notice was given. 

The Minutes should reflect that Notice was given and too few showed up (lack of a quorum); thus, the meeting could not be held. Was it re-scheduled?

Why is the Board of Directors operating in this way?


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