
Would the HOA benefit from a Parliamentarian?

Using a Parliamentarian would make monthly meetings smoother and shorter.

The August meeting would have started on time. The public comment period would have been shorter. Each speaker would have been stopped after two minutes and directed to a Committee or an outside agency.

When a speaker ran off the rails, a Parliamentarian could have coached the President to regain control of the meeting.

Board members would learn how to use "Point of Order" to halt detours and runaways.

When Dennis tore into Danny, that should have been stopped in its tracks. Danny could have shut him down, but it would have been better if any other board member had interrupted Dennis with "Point of Order" and followed Robert's Rules of Order to restore order.

Dennis owes Danny, the Board, and the Association Members an apology. 

If the Board is unhappy with Danny, it can elect someone else as President. A big problem is that, without the seventh board member, any vote is likely to be 3-3. A tie-vote loses.

Dennis should have waited for New Business (which was on the Agenda but never called) and made a motion to call an election of officers. After discussion the board would have voted. The vote could have turned out as 5-1 or 4-2. Any other result would mean that the motion failed.


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