Could the HOA be dissolved?

Each November the HOA is to convene an Annual Meeting of Voting Members.

To do so, a quorum of Voting Members (or Alternates) must be present. This means a quorum of legitimate Voting Members. Bonafide Voting Members. REAL Voting Members.

A Voting Member is only legitimate, bonafide, or real, if he was elected by his Neighborhood Committee, after it was elected during a Neighborhood Meeting.

If there aren't enough legitimate Voting Members to meet the Quorum requirement, the Annual Meeting cannot be held, which means no election of board members can be held.

Previous boards have allowed fraudulent elections to occur. This means that the elections were invalid. In fact, no legitimate directors have been elected in recent years. 

The current board is not legitimate. This means the HOA is in violation of the State law that requires every non-profit corporation to have a board of directors.

What could happen? Could the S.C. Attorney General step in and enforce the law? Could he charge the directors with impersonating legal directors? With usurping corporate office? Could the Attorney General take control of the operations and finances of the HOA?

Could the S.C. Secretary of State dissolve the Summit's HOA? 

What needs to happen? Twenty-seven Neighborhoods need to hold Neighborhood Meetings before November 1. The homeowners need to elect three-member Neighborhood Committees, which then elect one of their three members as the Neighborhood Representative (Voting Member) for the following 12 months.

"Getting signatures" is not a valid way to become a Voting Member. Claiming the title year-after-year, without a Neighborhood Meeting, is not valid. 

Barony Place had a Neighborhood Meeting on May 4, 2024 and elected a Neighborhood Committee. At this time Barony Place has the sole, legitimate Voting Member in the entire HOA.


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