The Central Question

About ten years ago I came across a question that has served me well. I was attending a series of online workshops offered by Axiogenics.

The Central Question was, "What choice can I make and action can I take, in this moment, to create the greatest net value?"

If each member of the board kept in mind that he (or she) represents the Members, the homeowners, would their discussions and actions be handled in a different manner?

Directors don't represent the Board; they represent the homeowners. They shouldn't "stick together" or choose up sides. They should do the right thing - all the time. 

The Board is not one person's fiefdom. One .person isn't "in charge". While it's true that the Board elects a President, his duties and responsibilities are defined and limited, if not in the By-Laws (which they aren't), then by Robert's Rules of Order. He is not the Supreme Ruler.

For example, there are many questions that need answers from the HOA's lawyer, who is paid for by the HOA. All directors should not be calling the lawyer; fees would be enormous.

BUT board members should submit questions to the HOA's President. He should ask those questions of the attorney, without bias or filtering in his own opinion, and then report accurately the full answers received from the attorney.

Answers from the attorney should be reduced to writing as a permanent record, from one term to the next and from one board to the next.


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