Open Letter to BOD re Neighborhood Committee

The following is an open letter sent today to the Board of Directors of the Summit's HOA.

Members of the Board,

One of the Standing Committees of the HOA is the Neighborhood Committee.

The PRM describes the importance of this Standing Committee in Art. II, Section B, Paragraph 8.

"Neighborhood Committee. This Committee is responsible for helping each Community in the Summit to locate and elect a local neighborhood committee that will represent their community at SCA Board meetings and there by [sic] allow their Voting member (elected by the local neighborhood committee) to vote on vital issues that affect the Summit and their local neighborhood. The Neighborhood Committee will assist and advise local neighborhoods with problems that they encounter."

Prior to November 2023 there was an ineffective Neighborhood Committee. A Chair was appointed in October 2021, but he apparently never attempted to carry out the responsibility of the Neighborhood Committee, and previous boards did not hold him accountable.

The result is that the Summit's HOA probably has no legitimate local neighborhood committees or Voting Members, except for Barony Place which, on its own and without support from the Board or a Neighborhood Committee, elected a local neighborhood committee on May 4, 2024. I believe that Barony Place has the sole legitimate Voting Member in the HOA.

After November 2023 the Neighborhood Committee was unilaterally, and improperly, eliminated. A Board decision should have been required, but the Board was silent and acquiesced to the President's announcement.

The Board should immediately restore the Neighborhood Committee and appoint a Chair and members. 

The Annual Meeting of Voting Members is less than three months away and cannot be convened without a quorum of legitimate Voting Members. A Special Meeting of Voting Members cannot be held without a quorum of legitimate Voting Members.

This is information that CAMS should have provided to you.


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