
Showing posts from February, 2025

Contact LUMOS re your yard?

Recently, LUMOS was in the neighborhood to lay wiring for its FiberOptic network. They intended to distribute door-hangers with contact information, but many did not receive one. If your yard was not restored satisfactorily, contact LUMOS by using the webform at or call  855.GO-LUMOS ( 855-465-8667).

Ever cut through Food Lion or Lidl?

Have you ever cut through Food Lion to avoid a long line of traffic waiting on the light at Summit Parkway and Hard Scrabble Road? Or cut through Lidl to avoid a long line of stopped traffic on northbound Hard Scrabble Road? Read this section of Richland County ordinances. Is it worth it? Sec. 17-12. Driving across public or private property in order to evade traffic control device.    (a)   It shall be unlawful for any person operating a motor vehicle to use public or private property, not recognized as a roadway or thoroughfare, with the intention or purpose of avoiding a traffic signal or sign.    (b)   Any person who violates this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not more than $500 or be imprisoned for not more than 30 days. (Ord. No. 054-06HR, § I, 6-6-06)

Limits of Truthful Speech?

What are the limits of truthful speech? Are there any limits? A person should be responsible for what he says and writes. If he says and writes the truth, should he have to worry about what he says and writes? How does one determine the truth? In many cases, it's quite simple. If the person quotes an identifiable source, that ought to be sufficient. That source might be a document on which an organization is based. When printed words in a document become the source of a disagreement, the parties should examine the document and first agree on what it says. Not what they think it says or what they'd like for it to say. Look at what it actually says. Usually, the wording is clear. Sometimes, it helps to skip past the language that doesn't directly affect the meaning of a sentence. What do you do when another party "interprets" a sentence differently? That party's interpretation doesn't change the meaning. The simplest response is "But that isn't what...

Second Verse, same as the first

Here is another good example of Pet Peeve #1 - Tinted license plate covers. Look how dark this tint is. You have to stand really close to see that the license plate is H/V 1720. If you think the South Carolina Highway Patrol or the Richland County Sheriff's Department should begin writing a lot of tickets for these covers, be sure to contact  Col. Christopher N. Williamson and Sheriff Leon Lott, respectively. Ask them to direct their officers ticket these violators, not to give out warnings. Traffic stops for "nit-picky" violations like this, along with license plate lights out, headlights or taillights out, driving without headlights at night, etc., often result in arrests for serious crimes (warrants, guns, drugs, etc.). These violations provide probable cause for traffic stops. Officers find those other violations as a result of this type of traffic stop. Imagine if this car ran you off the road. Imagine telling the cop, "It was a red Mustang, but I couldn't r...

Pet Peeve #1 - Tinted License Plate Covers

  AO(Q?)H 152 My #1 pet peeve is heavily-tinted license plate covers. These are prohibited under South Carolina law (and by laws in many states), but my belief is that these drivers are seldom stopped.  These drivers can run red lights, speed, tailgate, even cause hit-and-run accidents, and witnesses can only say, "I couldn't see the license plate number." My solution? Troopers, deputies, and cops should stop these cars. Ticket the driver. Remove the license plate frame, tinted cover, and license plate as evidence. This will force the driver to have his car towed, because he cannot operate a motor vehicle on the roads without a license plate. Make it inconvenient and expensive. Drivers KNOW they are violating the law. They expect to get away with it, and they do. It's time for this to stop! Pet peeve #2: heavily-tinted front windows.

Silence the truth - at what cost?

How much of your money is the Board of Directors of The Summit's HOA willing to spend to try to silence Gus Philpott (me)? Danny Trapp and the HOA have commenced a judicial proceeding that is prohibited by the CC&Rs. Danny alleges that I have made false accusations. O.K., let's sit down with the CC&Rs, the By-Laws, and the PRM and see who is right. I myself am not interested in being right. I am, however, keenlly interested in what is right. The By-Laws say that Voting Members are to be elected. That's pretty simple. Getting signatures is not "being elected". Neighborhoods are not holding Annual Neighborhood Meetings. Except one, of course. Barony Place held a Neighborhood Meeting on May 4, 2024. It was the first in many, many years.  Past Annual Meetings of Voting Members never should have been convened, because there was no quorum of legitimate, duly-elected Voting Members. Elections of Directors should not have been conducted. Officers are supposed to...

Watch for the Jan. 2025 Financial Results

If you are like me, you will be watching for the January 2025 Financial Operating Results to be posted on the HOA's website. Or to pick up a copy at the March 4th board meeting. These results will reveal more about the true cost of the HOA's legal case against Gus Philpott (me). Be sure to look at Line 6500 - Legal / Professional Fees. My guess is that the legal costs took a big leap as a result of legal fees incurred in December, when the case was filed in the Richland County Court of Common Pleas. Will the law firm's December bill get paid in January? Or will it linger into February for payment? Time is Money. The lawyers (plural) will have spent a lot of time with the HOA's president, Danny Trapp, in preparation of the Summons and Complaint, the Temporary Restraining Order (TRO), and the Affidavit of Danny Trapp in support of the TRO and the Summons and Complaint. The HOA budgeted $20,000 for legal fees in the whole year of 2025. My guess is fees will exceed the budg...

Who Is the Chair of the Nominating Committee?

Who is the Chair of the HOA's Nominating Committee? Last year (2024), well after the Organizational Meeting of the Board in November 2023,  the chair of the Nominating Committee was announced as Board member Patricia Pollin. She is the director who, at the November 12, 2024, board meeting, announced the three successful candidates who were elected to two-year terms-of-office (2024-2026). The last month when Pollin's name was included in The Summit Scoop as chair of the Nominating Committee was November 2024. The Summit Scoops for December 2024, January 2025, and February 2025 do not include a name of the chair of the Nominating Committee, only the other members (Mike Bryant, Carmen Claud, James Glenn, Jeff Lummel, and Kristie O'Brian). How does a committee function without a chair? An important committee, such as the Nominating Committee, needs a chairman! Pollin was absent from the January 2025 and the February 2025 board meetings.  With the removal of her name from the Su...

Glaring Sun Results in Crash

Late this afternoon (February 17) a westbound car left Summit Parkway at Autumn Glen Road, missed a light pole, and it looked like it took out some bricks. There was pretty severe damage to the right front corner of the car, but there were no injuries, thanks to both occupants having their seat belts fastened. The setting sun made it hard to see ahead. I had passed through about 15 minutes earlier, when the sun visors in my car were still able to block the sun.  Will the HOA get started right away on repairs, as directed by a Resolution adopted by the Board about 20 years ago?

Why Parkway Lights Not Fixed?

If you'd like to know why the Summit Parkway lights have not been fixed, the answer is in the December 31, 2024 Financial Operating Report. Look at Line 5011 - Parkway Lights. 2024 Budget: $10,000.00 Total spent in 12 months: $560.00 There's the answer. Practically no money was spent. That's why so many lights on Summit Parkway are out. Print Page 6 of the December Report and bring it with you to the March 4, 2025 Board of Directors meeting. Circle that $560.00 and ask the Board why they spent only $560 on Parkway Lights in the whole year. How many other categories were shorted, so that they could over-spend in 12 categories?

Dec. Financial Report - Is This True?

Take a look at the Year-End financial report of the HOA. The Financial Operating Report for December 2024 includes not only the results for the month of December but also the results for the Year. On Page 4 in Manager Notes, you'll find, "The Summit financials are in good shape and operating under budget by $193,481.66." Is this true? How could that be? Look at Page 2, Operating Expenses (Significant Variance to Budget). These are the Line Items in the 2024 Budget where more money was spent than was budgeted. Eleven (11) Line Items are shown with significant over-spending. Of course, it's not called "over=spending" on the page; it's called Variance. Those 11 Lines total $123,124.17. (They are not totaled in the Report!) But another category with a significant Variance was omitted all year from this Report. Legal/Professional Expenses (Line 6500) was left out. The Variance for the 12 months of 2024 was $8356.81. Over-spent! So, 12 Lines of over-spending ...

2024 Bad Debt Recovery: Whopping Sum of $1,526.64

Did you look at the Financial Overview Report for December 2024? Did you look at the Statement of Revenues and Expenses for December, which includes Year-to-Date (12-month) results? Do you think the Finance Committee of the HOA looked at these? Did the Board of Directors look at these? Did you hear any discussion at the February 4, 2025 Board meeting, after the December 2024 Report was released to Members? Look at Line 1200 - Accounts Receivable: $429,575.52 What was on Line 1200 in the April 30, 2024 Report, after over $100,000 of bad debt was written off with no discussion and no vote by the Board? $379,739.45 Did you read in Manager Notes, "Collection activity is currently being conducted in accordance with Association policy"? Did you wonder why Accounts Receivable increased $49,836.07 from April to December? Did you notice that Bad Debt Recovery (Line 4900) was budgeted for ZERO in 2024 and that only $1,526.64 was collected? Is "Collection activity" good enough...

Does the HOA Realize Its Obligation?

Does the the Board of Directors realize that, if it would just comply with its own By-Laws, they'd never hear a negative peep out of me? If they'd show respect and proper regard for the By-Laws by directing the chair of the (HOA's) Neighborhood Committee to assist 27 Neighborhoods in holding Neighborhood Meetings, getting a quorum there, conducting Neighborhood elections of Neighborhood Committees, and duly-electing Voting Members, I'd slow down. But they don't. The Board tolerates, even endorses, the scheme of "getting signatures" to be recognized as a "Voting Member". They know that's not legitimate, but they allow it, anyway. And then, on February 4th, they listened to the chair of the (HOA's) Neighborhood Committee present a possible scheme of electing "Voting Members" by e-mail.  There is one way, and one way only , of electing a Voting Member, and it's right in the By-Laws.  WHY ISN'T THE ATTORNEY TELLING DANNY TRA...

Why No Members of the (HOA's) Neighborhood Committee?

The Neighborhood Committee of the HOA is another of the most important committees.  Its mission, found on the HOA's website is: Responsible for helping each community in the Summit to locate and elect a local neighborhood committee that will represent their community at SCA board meetings and thereby allow their Voting member to vote on vital issues that affect the Summit and their local neighborhood. The Neighborhood Committee will assist and advise local neighborhoods with problems that they encounter. This committee should have a chairman who understands the By-Laws and is committed to complying with them. The committee should also have members with the same commitment to compliance with the By-Laws. The committee has a chairman. However, he has been supporting the alternate, unapproved, unauthorized, non-compliant method of finding new "Voting Members". That method is the one of "getting signatures" on a form from the office. The  Neighborhood Committee has ...

Who Enforces the Covenants?

One of the important committees of the HOA is the Covenants Committee. Its mission is stated on the HOA's website. Mission: This committee oversees the enforcement of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the Summit, and advises The Summit Association Office on matters pertaining to the issuance of Covenant Violation Notices. The committee also, as required or requested, proposes changes to existing covenants, conditions, or restrictions, or drafts new such as necessary to maintain The Summit community as a safe and appealing community which promotes visual and social harmony, safety, and peaceful enjoyment of property.  I'm sure that the Board of Directors would like to think that the Mission is pointed only at the Members of the Association - the homeowners. But what happens when the Board of Directors allows the HOA itself to violate the CC&Rs and the By-Laws? Is it up to the Covenants Committee to enforce violations? What are some of the violatio...

Procedures Reference Manual (PRM)

Another dry day at the falls The Procedures Reference Manual (PRM) contains a wealth of information. It guides (well, should guide) the Board of Directors and Property Manager in operating the Association within the CC&Rs and the By-Laws. The PRM explains how to do many things. Do Board Members ever read it? For example, Art. II, A, §2c reads,  "An agenda for the Board meetings with all backup [ sic ] materials is emailed to the Board and the Voting Members by the Property Manager at least ten (10) days in advance of each meeting. The agenda generally includes the approval of the last meeting's minutes, financial review, new business and any old business from previous meetings." For years the New Business and Old Business sections of the agenda have not been used. The result is New Business is not identified before the meeting and Old Business is lost and seldom gets completed. Because Old Business is not carried forward, it's a case of "out of sight, out of ...

February Calendar - pretty sparse

If you look at the February 2024 Calendar on the HOA's website, you'd think there is nothing going on in this "town" of 2,480 properties and 6,-8,000 people. Aside from the monthly board of directors meeting, the only Committee meetings listed are the Finance Committee and the Modification [ sic ] Committee. There are many other committees. Among them are Activities Committee Covenants Committee Landscape Committee Contracts Committee Safety Committee Ponds/Lakes Committee Youth Committee Nominating Committee Projects Committee Neighborhood Committee Newsletter Committee According to the PRM (Art. II, §B) there are three Standing Committees that have fallen by the wayside: New Construction Committee Asset Evaluation Committee Neighbors Helping Neighbors Committee In Art. II, §C Other Committees  are listed the Budget Committee Energy Committee ad hoc Committee I recommend that the Board create a Community Engagement ...

Is There a Chair of the Nominating Committee?

 Is there a chairperson of the HOA's Nominating Committee? There should be!  The chairperson leads the Committee, which creates a slate of candidates for directors to be elected each November. But that's not all the Committee does. When a vacancy on the Board arises, the Nominating Committee should be ready to make a recommendation to the HOA President and the Board for a successor. In past years that hasn't happened. After George Reynolds died, his seat on the board remained vacant for 18 months. That was a gross failure by the board, which at the time was led by Justin Martin, President. Last May (2024), when Tommy Williams quit, Danny Trapp failed to announce a vacancy or do anything about putting a successor in Tommy's place. That seat was vacant for six months. This was a failure by the Board to adhere to the By-Laws. The Nominating Committee should have candidates identified, who can be appointed promptly to fill vacancies. It's an on-going process.  Pollin wa...

HOA Foundation - on sand?

What kind of foundation is The Summit's HOA on? Is it solid? Or is it on shifting sand? The foundation starts with the Homeowners - the Members. Their relationship with their Voting Member must be solid. The Voting Member legally represents the Homeowner. For this sole reason, the Voting Member must be properly elected. "Properly" means in compliance with the By-Laws. The By-Laws say there shall be an Annual Neighborhood Meeting. Annual, of course, means every year. The details can be read in the By-Laws in Article V, Section 3. Everything falls apart legally, if the Voting Member is not properly elected. This is what the attorneys for the HOA should tell the directors. Not just tell Danny; they should advise ALL the Directors. The attorneys are the attorneys for the HOA , not for the Board and not for Danny. If the Voting Members are not duly-elected, there can be no Annual Meeting of Voting Members. Without that Meeting, there is no election of Directors. For too long,...

2:00PM Hearing

The HOA's case against me for a TRO was this afternoon at 2:00PM. Guess who didn't show up? As I waited in the courtroom for 2:00PM, I noticed Danny Trapp wasn't there. When my case  was called, two lawyers were there from Turner Padget. After Attorney Behnke spoke for the Plaintiff, it was my turn. The first thing I did was comment on the absence of Danny Trapp and ask for the entire case to be dismissed. The judge said he'd take it under advisement. Then I addressed the comments by the lawyer and made comments in my defense about the allegations of Danny in his Affidavit. In a few minutes I covered a lot of ground, and I did it with only a few glances at my notes. I could tell that the judge could listen as fast as I could speak, so I kept going. My three Motions are pending and not yet scheduled; 1) to dismiss the entire case; 2) to remove the attorney; 3) to remove Danny Trapp. I raised the point that the HOA's Board of Directors never voted on any part of this ...

What says Danny Trapp about Gus

On December 30, 2024 Danny Trapp signed an Affidavit that is attached to the Association's Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order or Preliminary Injunction against Gus Philpott (me). The Hearing for the TRO is today at 2:00PM. In that Affidavit Danny says, in part, that he is "familiar with the By-Laws of the Association and the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the Summit". (4)     But apparently not with Art. XIII, Section 10 Litigation. Danny says, "Mr. Philpott is not a property owner" (7) and "Despite this, he routinely appears at Association meetings." (8)     Every month the Summit Scoop reports, "Board Meetings are open to all Summit residents." Danny says, "In my time as President, Mr. Philpott has been at every Association meeting and routinely behaved in a disruptive manner." (10)     Is this libel? Danny says, "Mr. Philpott ... makes false accusations about the legitimacy of the Board and i...

What Could Be Clearer?

 CC&Rs, Art. XIII, Section 10 Litigation. (It's not even hard to understand) Section 10. Litigation. No judicial or administrative proceeding shall be commenced or prosecuted by the Association unless approved by a vote of seventy-five (75%) percent of the Voting Members. In the case of such a vote, and notwithstanding anything contained in this Declaration or the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws of the Association to the contrary, a Voting Member shall not vote in favor of bringing or prosecuting any such proceeding unless authorized to do so by a ‘vote of seventy-five (75%) percent of all Members of the Neighborhood represented by the Voting Member. This Section shall not apply, however, to (a) actions brought by the Association to enforce the provisions of this Declaration (including, without limitation, the foreclosure of liens), (b) the imposition and collection of assessments as provided in Article X hereof, (c) proceedings involving challenges to ad valorem taxatio...

The HOA vs. Fiduciary Responsibility

Are those two words known to the board members of The Summit's HOA? Which two words? "Fiduciary Responsibility" Each of the seven board members has an individual responsibility and obligation to do what is right for the 2,480 property owners in the Association. There shouldn't be any "sides". If one person is wrong, there shouldn't be three or four directors who side with that person. There has been a lot wrong. The biggest issue right now is the HOA's lawsuit against Gus Philpott (me). The lawsuit (a judicial proceeding) was started, even though it is expressly prohibited without the consent of Voting Members. Thousands of dollars are being spent, trying to shut me up.  There is a hearing tomorrow. I have filed a Motion to Dismiss, based on the CC&Rs., Art. XIII, Section 10. I've also filed Motions to Dismiss the attorney and to dismiss Danny Trapp. There is no record in the Minutes of any Board Meeting that the Board of Directors approved D...

Board Member Qualities

Who should be on the Board of Directors? When the Nominating Committee seeks and reviews candidates before an election, this is what they should be looking for - Quality candidates who are  of the highest caliber,  selected for interpersonal skills,  dedication to the betterment of our Association and community, and  free of any personal agenda. Source: Procedures Reference Manual, Art. II, §B, ¶2. If they did their job right, before the last two elections, that's what would be on the Board now. Here is your Board of Directors today.  Danny Trapp, President and Director (2023-2025) Tanisha Holmes, Vice-President and Director (2024-2026) Ciara Bates, Secretary and Director  (2024-2026) LaToya Adams, Treasurer and Director (2024-2006) Brenda Bryant, Director (2023-2025) Linda Potter, Director (2023-2025) Patricia Pollin, Director (2023-2025) How do they stack up? The Nominating Committee doesn't even have a Chairma...

Best Thing for HOA To Do

What would be the best thing for the HOA to do now? Cut their losses. Ask the Court to dismiss the legal action against me. Settle with me for bringing an unauthorized, prohibited judicial proceeding against me. Hire me. Read the CC&Rs. Article XIII, Section 10. Litigation. That prohibits the HOA from doing just what it is doing. It would be good to get me on their side to fix what's broken.

HOA Wants to Muzzle Gus

  Here is what the HOA is asking the Court to do. The HOA wants the Court to grant an injunction to bar me from the following actions: a. Communications with the Board of the Association regarding the affairs of the Association; b. Communication with residents of the Summit regarding the affairs of the Association; c. Communications with the South Carolina Attorney General or other law enforcement agencies regarding the affairs of the Association; d. Social media posts regarding the affairs of the Association; e. Attendance of any meetings of the Membership or Board of the Association; and f. Contact with employees or agents of the Association. Why would they want this? I seem to be the only person who has studied the CC&Rs, the By-Laws, and the PRM and who is telling the Board in how many ways it is not complying with its own Governing Documents. The Property Manager should know the Governing Documents cold and should be guiding the Board. Isn't that what a high-priced HOA Man...

I'll Win on Tuesday

Last post on NextDoor? Want to see The Summit's HOA try to take a bite out of me? They are suing me and trying to muzzle me. Court is Tues., Feb. 11, 2:00PM, 1701 Main St., Courtroom 2-C. Hear ye, hear ye. Come one; come all. Meanwhile, read If the HOA would just comply with its own CC&Rs, By-Laws, and PRM, it would never hear a peep out of me.  I have filed Motions to Dismiss the Case, Remove the Attorney, and Remove the HOA President (from the case). Remember what Pres. Trump said after he was shot? Yep. That word. **** Why didn't you get a subpoena? I decided you didn't need a target on your back, too.

Emergency ad hoc Committee Needed

The HOA commenced a lawsuit against Gus Philpott (me) on December 30, 2024, following up on a Cease and Desist Letter dated August 28, 2024 that was mailed to me.  There is nothing in the Minutes of any Board of Directors meeting about this. The Board never discussed or approved it in a public, open, regular, monthly Board Meeting. The legal action is in the name of the HOA. HOA funds are being spent. Is the Board aware of it? Did it ever approve it? The CC&Rs prohibit the HOA from commencing "a judicial proceeding" of this type, unless it has been approved by the Voting Members. There are stringent requirements on the Voting Member approval. (SEE the CC&Rs, Art. XIII, §10 Litigation .) Voting Member approval is not possible, because there is only one legitimate Voting Member. Because this litigation is unauthorized (and expensive), the Board should immediately call a Special Meeting of the Board and establish an ad hoc Committee to investigate what is happening. The...

What is O.P.M.?

O.P.M.?  Other Peoples' Money.  Whose money is the Association spending? Your money! The money you pay in Assessment fees is funding this legal action. How much will the final cost be? I've been informed that Danny Trapp has told the other members of the Board of Directors that only he can speak to the attorney. There are six other people on the Board: Tanisha Holmes, Ciara Bates, LaToya Adams, Brenda Bryant, Linda Potter, and Patricia Pollin.  They should exercise leadership and independence and not play Follow the Leader. Pollin was absent from the January and February Board meetings. No excused absence was stated at either meeting. Is she still on the Board? If she misses the March meeting, that would be her third unexcused absence, and the Board of Directors could remove her. (By-Laws, Art. III. A, §7, ¶2).  If the Board did remove Pollin or if she resigned, then the Board should declare a vacancy and appoint her successor to serve the remain...

You Know What?

Here is a truth for you to ponder. I would not even want to know me, if all of the things written about me in the Summons and Complaint filed by the HOA in the Court of Common Pleas were true; if  all the things stated in the Motion for Temporary Restraining Order were true; if all of the things written about me in the Affidavit of Danny Trapp were true; if all the things stated in the just-received Plaintiff's Memorandum of Law in support of the Motion for the Temporary Restraining Order were true. Fortunately, for me, all  of the things are not true. A few things are true. I am commonly known as Gus Philpott. I live in Barony Place II. The Memorandum of Law, emailed by the HOA's law firm at 1:58PM today, appears to be a reaction to the three Motions I filed this week: 1. Motion to Dismiss 2. Motion to Remove the HOA's attorney 3. Motion to Remove Danny Trapp It's obviously impossible to submit a Response today.  On Tuesday, February 11, at 2:00PM, the Court will he...

If You Were the Judge, ...

... would you dismiss the case against Gus Philpott on February 11? Read Section 10 Litigation in Article XIII of the CC&Rs of The Summit's HOA. "Section 10. Litigation. No judicial or administrative proceeding shall be commenced or prosecuted by the Association unless approved by a vote of seventy-five (75%) percent of the Voting Members . In the case of such a vote, and notwithstanding anything contained in this Declaration or the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws of the Association to the contrary, a Voting Member shall not vote in favor of bringing or prosecuting any such proceeding unless authorized to do so by a ‘vote of seventy-five (75%) percent of all Members of the Neighborhood represented by the Voting Member. This Section shall not apply, however, to (a) actions brought by the Association to enforce the provisions of this Declaration (including, without limitation, the foreclosure of liens), (b) the imposition and collection of assessments as provided in A...

Update of HOA's Lawsuit.

Some of you already know that the HOA is suing Gus Philpott (me) and trying to shut me up. I've been writing this blog since July 20, 2020. In August the HOA's attorney sent me a Cease and Desist Letter, threatening me with legal action if I didn't stop making "false accusations" and if I didn't stop "harassing the Association, its board members and representatives. I contacted the lawyer for details, and he refused to provide them, saying, "you are not a member of the association and therefore I am under no obligation to resond to you." The HOA filed a Summons and Complaint in Richland County Court of Common Pleas (Fifth Judicial District) on December 30, 2024, and I was served on January 14. Then I received a Notice of Hearing in the mail for the the HOA's Motion for Temporary Restraining Order. The lawyer's office neglected to provide details, but I learned to details from the legal documents filed by the HOA. On Tuesday, February 11t...

Wall Damaged - Why not repaired?

When was the brick wall damaged in front of Summit Parkway Middle School? Sometime in December, according to the Management Report for December 2024 that is in the Minutes of the January 7, 2025 board meeting. Maybe December 29, 2024. The Procedures Reference Manual (PRM) provides guidance at Art. II, §D  Board Resolutions , ¶5  Repair Common Area Damage Immediately (Page 11): "To ensure that Common Areas are kept in good condition, the Board of Directors adopted an operating policy to initiate repairs to damaged Common Areas immediately, documenting said repairs with itemized costs for submission for repayment of required repairs/replacement (approved 8/3/2004)" What part of "immediately" do the Board and the management company not understand? The site hasn't even been cleaned up in six weeks. How soon should it have been cleaned up? Within 2-3 days. How soon should it have been repaired? One week? Two? The HOA should have a favored brick contractor on Speed Di...

How Much Is It Costing the HOA (you) To Sue Gus?

And where is the money coming from? How much did it cost the HOA to have its lawyer send Gus Philpott (me) a Cease and Desist Letter on August 28, 2024, threatening legal action?  I knew then it was toothless, because I had read the CC&Rs, especially Article XIII, Section 10 Litigation . Did Danny Trapp read the CC&Rs? Did the attorney read the CC&Rs? The HOA paid $ 4,640.78 for Legal and Professional Fees in August 2024; the monthly budget was $1,250. But the cost of that Letter was probably not in the August payment. In September the HOA paid the law firm $2,510.60; the monthly budget was $1,250. The really big outlay will be for the legal actions started on December 30, 2024. It (the HOA and its President, Danny Trapp) is trying to shut me up. Or shut me down. Is that how you want the HOA spending your money?  If the HOA had a strong, responsible Board, would this be happening? There are seven on the Board. Each should be making thoughtful, independent decisions...

Press Release

  PRESS RELEASE                                                                              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   CONTACT: Gus Philpott Resident, The Summit 39 Barony Place Circle Columbia, SC 29229 847-971-7083                SUMMIT HOA SUES RESIDENT, SEEKS TRO Columbia, S.C. February 5, 2025 – The Summit Community Association, Inc. ("Summit HOA"), filed a Summons and Complaint against resident Gus Philpott on December 30, 2024 in Richland County Court of Common Pleas, Fifth Judicial District. Summit HOA is also seeking a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against Philpott. Since July 20, 2020 Philpott has been writing a blog about the a...

Director Misstates the By-Laws

At tonight's Board of Directors meeting, Reginald Mack gave a report for the (HOA's) Neighborhood Committee that was all over the place. Why didn't he use the microphone? There were 50 people in the room who couldn't hear or understand him.  He referred to his committee, but is there really a committee? In the February Summit Scoop he continues to be the only member of the Committee! He, or somebody, came up with a new brilliant idea to rival the "getting signatures" scheme. Do it by electronic voting. How is that secure? The HOA, at last report, can't sort its Membership List by Neighborhoods for either mail or email, and it may have only about 75% of the email addresses for property owners. The office cannot mail or email anything to just one neighborhood.  His idea was that the office would email a message to all in a neighborhood with a file describing the person who wanted to be the "Voting Member"; the homeowner would vote by email. It'...