Who Is the Chair of the Nominating Committee?

Who is the Chair of the HOA's Nominating Committee?

Last year (2024), well after the Organizational Meeting of the Board in November 2023,  the chair of the Nominating Committee was announced as Board member Patricia Pollin. She is the director who, at the November 12, 2024, board meeting, announced the three successful candidates who were elected to two-year terms-of-office (2024-2026).

The last month when Pollin's name was included in The Summit Scoop as chair of the Nominating Committee was November 2024.

The Summit Scoops for December 2024, January 2025, and February 2025 do not include a name of the chair of the Nominating Committee, only the other members (Mike Bryant, Carmen Claud, James Glenn, Jeff Lummel, and Kristie O'Brian).

How does a committee function without a chair? An important committee, such as the Nominating Committee, needs a chairman!

Pollin was absent from the January 2025 and the February 2025 board meetings. 

With the removal of her name from the Summit Scoop and her absence from two board meetings, is a fair question, "Has Pollin resigned from the Board of Directors?"

If she has, board members should insist that the vacancy on the board be announced and that a successor be appointed by the board. Without delay.

In 2024 President Danny Trapp allowed a vacancy to exist for six months, after Tommy Williams resigned in May 2024. Prior to that, former HOA President Justin Martin allowed a vacancy on the board to exist for 18 months, after George Reynolds died in April 2021.


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