The HOA vs. Fiduciary Responsibility

Are those two words known to the board members of The Summit's HOA? Which two words? "Fiduciary Responsibility"

Each of the seven board members has an individual responsibility and obligation to do what is right for the 2,480 property owners in the Association.

There shouldn't be any "sides". If one person is wrong, there shouldn't be three or four directors who side with that person.

There has been a lot wrong.

The biggest issue right now is the HOA's lawsuit against Gus Philpott (me). The lawsuit (a judicial proceeding) was started, even though it is expressly prohibited without the consent of Voting Members. Thousands of dollars are being spent, trying to shut me up. 

There is a hearing tomorrow. I have filed a Motion to Dismiss, based on the CC&Rs., Art. XIII, Section 10. I've also filed Motions to Dismiss the attorney and to dismiss Danny Trapp.

There is no record in the Minutes of any Board Meeting that the Board of Directors approved Danny's going to the HOA's attorney about me. 

The Board also has done nothing to stop him. Aren't they concerned about the waste of Assn. assets on a legal action that is prohibited by the CC&Rs and which was not authorized by the majority of the Board of Directors.

The next serious mis-step by the Board was its failure to raise the dues for 2025. The Board apparently decided, maybe even without a vote, not to increase the dues. At that pre-board meeting, the board was short one member, because Danny never announced the vacancy on the Board when Tommy Williams quit last May. With six directors, a 3-3 vote on anything would fail.

Directors are supposed to be independent. The Members (homeowners) of the HOA deserve better.


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