HOA Wants to Muzzle Gus


Here is what the HOA is asking the Court to do. The HOA wants the Court to grant an injunction to bar me from the following actions:

a. Communications with the Board of the Association regarding the affairs of the Association;

b. Communication with residents of the Summit regarding the affairs of the Association;

c. Communications with the South Carolina Attorney General or other law enforcement agencies regarding the affairs of the Association;

d. Social media posts regarding the affairs of the Association;

e. Attendance of any meetings of the Membership or Board of the Association; and

f. Contact with employees or agents of the Association.

Why would they want this?

I seem to be the only person who has studied the CC&Rs, the By-Laws, and the PRM and who is telling the Board in how many ways it is not complying with its own Governing Documents.

The Property Manager should know the Governing Documents cold and should be guiding the Board. Isn't that what a high-priced HOA Management Firm is for?

The lawyer ought to be telling them what they are doing wrong and telling them what to do to correct it.

Board members can read. They should be able to understand the documents. Some of them have lived in the HOA for more than 20 years.


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