You Know What?

Here is a truth for you to ponder.

I would not even want to know me,

if all of the things written about me in the Summons and Complaint filed by the HOA in the Court of Common Pleas were true;

if all the things stated in the Motion for Temporary Restraining Order were true;

if all of the things written about me in the Affidavit of Danny Trapp were true;

if all the things stated in the just-received Plaintiff's Memorandum of Law in support of the Motion for the Temporary Restraining Order were true.

Fortunately, for me, all of the things are not true. A few things are true. I am commonly known as Gus Philpott. I live in Barony Place II.

The Memorandum of Law, emailed by the HOA's law firm at 1:58PM today, appears to be a reaction to the three Motions I filed this week:

1. Motion to Dismiss
2. Motion to Remove the HOA's attorney
3. Motion to Remove Danny Trapp

It's obviously impossible to submit a Response today. 

On Tuesday, February 11, at 2:00PM, the Court will hear the HOA's Motion for Temporary Restraining Order or Preliminary Injunction. I wonder how many days the judge has set aside for this Hearing.


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