February Calendar - pretty sparse

If you look at the February 2024 Calendar on the HOA's website, you'd think there is nothing going on in this "town" of 2,480 properties and 6,-8,000 people.

Aside from the monthly board of directors meeting, the only Committee meetings listed are the Finance Committee and the Modification [sic] Committee.

There are many other committees. Among them are

Activities Committee

Covenants Committee

Landscape Committee

Contracts Committee

Safety Committee

Ponds/Lakes Committee

Youth Committee

Nominating Committee

Projects Committee

Neighborhood Committee

Newsletter Committee

According to the PRM (Art. II, §B) there are three Standing Committees that have fallen by the wayside:

New Construction Committee

Asset Evaluation Committee

Neighbors Helping Neighbors Committee

In Art. II, §C Other Committees are listed the

Budget Committee

Energy Committee

ad hoc Committee

I recommend that the Board create a Community Engagement Committee, with a purpose to publicize and promote involvement by Members and residents in community affairs.

The Board of Directors should publish the dates of the pre-board meetings, so that Members would be aware that the Board may be making decisions outside of the regular monthly board meetings. The Board does not publish Minutes of its pre-board meetings.


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